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±Û¾´ÀÌ :Á¾À̹ٴÙ(2006-05-13 03:12:44, ¹øÈ£: 1030, Á¶È¸: 10121)
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Your discomfort comes from your having desire and anticipation.
Owning desire and anticipation comes from your innocence.
The reason of your being nnocent is just beacuse you do not try to know.

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If somene says something as evil and hates it,
he does not know what the good is like

If someone says something as hatred and
tries to be away from it, he does not know
what the love is like

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Where can it be the current adress of the heaven ?
It is my thinking.

Where can it be the current address of the hell ?
It is also my thinking.

Heaven and Hell, all is just position of my thinking which exists inside my mind.

Whare is the angel, where is the devil ?
Where is the buddha, where is the Satan ?

Please look for the address book of your mind, then,
you will find everything there from a speck of dust to god.

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ÀÚ, ÀÌÁ¦ ¿©·¯ºÐÀº Àڽſ¡°Ô ¾î¶»°Ô ÇØÁֽðڽÀ´Ï±î?

I can choose as it is something to be done by myself.
Not by a god or destiny but only by my own free will

Enlightenment, truth, spritual awakening, belief...all are tools of thinking
used for me to understand myself.

Agony, fancy, illusion, doubt...all are tools of thinking used for me to torment myself.

Now, what are you going to do with yourself ?

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My will shall be accomplished to the will of myelf.

±Û: µµ¼­ [³ª¿¡°Ô ¹ÙÄ¡´Â ±âµµ] ¿¡¼­ ..
±×¸²: ¹ÚÇâ·ü
À½¾Ç: Yuhki Kuramoto - Meditation

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